Infidelity Testing FAQs

Almost any item can be used for testing as long as it has been handled and stored properly. Always handle the item while wearing gloves if possible. Items need to be kept dry, cool, and out of direct sunlight. Store items you are considering for testing in a paper envelope or paper or cloth bag. Protect the item from contaminates like dirt, cleaning products and chemicals. Storing items in plastic traps heat and moisture which can degrade the DNA making it unusable for detection or comparison. infidelity testing

What kind of things can be tested?

  • Clothing
  • Towels – Washcloths
  • Sheets
  • Tampons – Maxi Pads
  • Sex toys
  • Tissues with semen or suspected fluids
  • Razors, electric or disposable
  • Blood
  • Used Q-tips
  • Condoms

Hair: Hair can be submitted as long as the follicle, or root is still attached. Generally, hair from a brush or comb will not have the root still attached. Hair has a 60% or less success rate for providing usable DNA.

Envelopes or stamps Generally speaking these are NOT good sources of samples for testing. The adhesives tend to make DNA collection difficult. Also you cannot always be sure the person used saliva to moisten the envelope or stamp vs water. These items have a 60% or less success rate for providing usable DNA.

Chewing gum is an acceptable source of DNA if it hasn’t been contaminated. Do not touch the gum with your fingers. Sugar free gum is better than regular gum. Gum has a 60% or less success rate for providing usable DNA.

Toothpicks or dental floss Again, as long as they haven’t been exposed to contaminating agents and you have enough to submit, a DNA profile can be obtained. Usable DNA is obtained from these items 60-90% of the time.

Used tissues A tissue, napkin, or paper towel that someone has used to clean up with after sex or blown their nose on can be a source of comparison DNA. Usable DNA is obtained from tissues, napkins, and towels 90% of the time.

Used Q-tip Swabs that have been used to clean ears, or that have blood or other biological fluids can be used to find DNA. Ear swabs have a 60-90% success rate for obtaining DNA.

Cigarette butts Cigarette butts may be submitted if they haven’t been exposed to contaminates like cleaning fluids or chemicals. A cigarette that has been lying outside on the ground will likely be contaminated, or the exposure to the elements will have degraded any DNA present. Between 60% & 90% of the time DNA is obtainable from the butts.

Toothbrushes A toothbrush can be good sources as long as they haven’t been exposed to potential contaminates like soap or other cleaning fluids. Getting DNA from a toothbrush has a 90% success rate.

While not difficult, there is some special care that needs to be taken when handling items you want to send us for DNA testing to help guard against contamination. Click here for instructions on submitting a sample.
1I’ve found unexplained stains on underwear/boxers/panties. Now what?
On average a woman can discharge fluids from sexual activity for 7-10 days after sex. A semen test can determine if the stain is semen, but you’ll need a DNA test to determine if the semen is yours. Handle the item as little as possible, place in a paper- NOT PLASTIC-bag and send to us. We offer a variety of testing options. Click here to learn how to submit an Item for Infidelity Testing.
2What if I need to send sheets, towels, or an item I know I’ve used also? Can you still test it?
Yes. If you’ll send a sample of your DNA with the item (cheek swab), we can do testing to confirm whether the DNA present belongs to you or some else.
3I think my spouse might be having a homosexual affair. Can you tell if the DNA is male or female?
Absolutely. If there is enough genetic material to test, the distinction can be clearly made.
4I think my spouse may have been having oral sex. Can you tell?
We can test for DNA and saliva. If biological material is left behind on an item, we can test it.
5I’ve found a suspicious stain on his/her favorite underwear. I can’t send them to you without them noticing. Is there any other way to test?
Yes. There is a procedure for sending a sample of the stain without having to send in the garment. You can still get the answers you’re looking for. Click to learn how to gather a swab sample from a stain.
6How do I know if the stain is dried semen?
Dried semen forms a hard, white crusty residue. If the item it’s on is white it may not be readily visible. If you want to confirm the presence of semen we can perform a semen detection test.
7Can a stain be too old to test?
As long as the item hasn’t been laundered and has been stored at normal room temperatures it can be testable for months to years.
8Will the semen detection test work if he’s had a vasectomy?
Yes. Our test looks for PSA- prostate specific antigen- not sperm. It's a protein produced by the prostate gland and can be detected even if a man has had a vasectomy.
9I found a glass/soda can/bottle that I think may belong to someone else. Can you test that?
Yes. Handle the item as little as possible and send it to us. If you send your DNA for comparison, we can test to see if it belongs to someone else, male or female.
10I want to stay anonymous. What information do I have to provide when I place my order?
Enough information will need to be provided to allow the credit card you will be using for payment to be processed. When you place your order online you’ll be assigned a case number that will be used for tracking purposes. We understand that the billing information may not be the same as the information for the person submitting the items for testing, so when you send in your items, we ask that you put the case number on your test request form so we can match it up with your payment. If you choose to remain anonymous you may use the case number instead of your name on the form.
11Will I get the clothing I send in for testing back? Will it be wearable/usable?
If you'd like the item back when testing is complete there is a $30 handling/return fee.
12I think my partner’s been using my sex toys with someone else. Can you test those?
Yes. You can send the entire item in for testing, or take a sample swab and send that. You’ll want to make sure and send in a sample of your DNA for exclusion.
13I’m pretty sure he/she’s having an affair, but have never found any obvious stains. Is there any way to test for DNA?
Sure. Just because you don’t see an obvious stain doesn’t mean there isn’t something there. A UV or black light can be helpful in detecting stains that are invisible in regular light. And you can still send in an undergarment or other item that you feel might have signs of sexual contact for testing for presence of semen, saliva, or DNA. If another person has handled the item there can be skin cells left behind that can be tested.
14What’s the best sample for me to send to compare DNA for a test?
A buccal swab, or cheek swab, is the best. It’s easy and painless. Click here to view how to take a cheek swab.
15How long will it take to get my results?
Generally it takes 8-10 business days for a DNA test and 1-2 for the semen detection.
16How will I get my results?
Most people want their results in an email, but we can contact you any way you prefer. Just let us know when you order your test.
17I’ve found a suspicious stain on the car seat. Can you test it?
Yes. You can either remove the section with the stain, or take a sample swab and send it to us. Click to learn how to gather a swab sample from a stain.
18How can I pay for my test?
You can place your order through our order system here, by clicking the ORDER NOW button under the test you want above, or you can send payment along with your item. If you do not want the charge to appear on your credit card, you may send a check, money order, or cash with your payment. Make checks and money orders payable to Fast DNA Testing.